Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes

Kids Halloween cartoon jokes are great for your next laughs at Halloween.

Cartoon Joke #1

Why don’t skeletons play music in church?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 1They have no organs!


Cartoon Joke #2

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by it’s diameter?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 2Pumpkin Pi!


Cartoon Joke #3

Where does a vampire keep his money?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 3In a blood bank!


Cartoon Joke #4

What kind of TV do you find inside a haunted house?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 4A wide scream TV.


Cartoon Joke #5

What do you call a vampire 33 miles from a blood bank?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 5A cab!


Cartoon Joke #6

 What do ghosts serve for dessert?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 6I scream!


Cartoon Joke #7

When do vampires like horse racing?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 7When it’s neck and neck!


Cartoon Joke #8

What song do vampires hate?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 8You are my sunshine!


Cartoon Joke #9

Why doesn’t a witch wear a flat hat?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 9Because there’s no point in it!


Cartoon Joke #10

What do you call a witch at the beach?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 10A sand-witch!


Cartoon Joke #11

What did the ghost teacher say to his class?

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes 11Watch the board I’ll go through it again!

Kids Halloween Cartoon Jokes

Find more funny Halloween Jokes here!

Scarecrow Jokes  |  Witch Jokes | Skeleton Jokes | Ghost Jokes

Zombie Jokes | Spider Jokes | Monster Jokes | Halloween Candy Jokes 


Happy Halloween