50 Halloween Jokes
50 Halloween Jokes

50 Halloween Jokes

50 Halloween Jokes

50 Halloween Jokes & Funny Halloween Puns

Enjoy these 50 Halloween Jokes this Halloween.

Q: What happened when the werewolf swallowed a clock?
A: He got ticks!

Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
A: To get to the body shop!

Q: Why did the Zombie join the army?
A: He heard they give out arms!

Q: Who was the most famous ghost detective?
A: Sherlock Moans!

Q: Who did Frankenstein take to the prom?
A: His ghoul friend!

Q: What’s it like to be kissed by a vampire?
A: It’s a pain in the neck!

Q: Why did Dracula take cold medicine?
A: To stop his coffin!

Q: What do they grow in the Halloweenland garden?
A: Zombeets!

Q: What has 9 eyes and catches flies?
A: A cyclops baseball team!

Q: How can you tell that a theater is haunted?
A: The actors get stage fright!

Q: How does Bigfoot capture special Halloween memories?
A: With a pho-TOE-graph!

Q: What do owls say when they go trick or treating?
A: Happy Owl-ween!

Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite fruit?
A: Booberries!

Q: What time do zombies wake up in the morning?
A: Ate o’clock!

Q: What time do zombies have dinner?
A: Ate o’clock!

Q: What do you call a silly skeleton?
A: A numbskull!

Q: What kind of roads do spirits haunt?
A: Dead Ends!

Q: Which amusement park ride do ghosts like the most?
A: Roller ghosters!

Q: Why did the traveling witch throw up?
A: She was broom sick!

Q: We do witches get all their puns from?
A: The only place Halloweenjokes.com!

Q: Who are cousins of the werewolf?
A: What-wolf and When-wolf!

Q: How do poltergeists move from floor to floor?
A: They use the SCARE-case.

Q: What type of monster loves dance music?
A: The boogieman!

Q: How did Count Dracula start all of his letters?
A: Tomb it may concern!

Q: What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?
A: Boo-berry pie!

Q: What has 1854 bones and catches flies?
A: A skeleton baseball team!

Q: What do you call a skeleton who won’t work?
A: Lazy bones!

Q: Why do skeletons hate winter?
A: The cold goes right through them!

Q: What happened to the pirate ship that sank at sea?
A: It came back with a skeleton crew!

Q: What did the skeleton say to the vampire?
A: You suck!

Q: Why do skeletons like to drink milk?
A: Milk is good for your bones!

Q: What do you call a werewolf with a fever?
A: A hot dog!

Q: What do you call a dog that meditates?
A: Aware wolf!

Q: Why is Superman’s costume so tight fitting?
A: Because it’s a size “S”!!!!!

Q: What runs around a haunted house and never stops?
A: A fence!

Q: What did the werewolf say when he sat on sandpaper?
A: Ruff!

Q: What did the French skeleton call his friend?
A: Bone ami!

Q: What is black, white & dead all over?
A: A zombie penguin!

Q: Why can’t skeleton musicians perform at church?
A: Because they have no organs!

Q: Where do vampire students eat their lunch?
A: In the casketeria!

Q: What do monkey ghosts like to eat?
A: Boonanas!

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton want to play baseball?
A: His heart wasn’t in it!

Q: What kind of artist was the skeleton?
A: A skullptor!

Q: What do you call a werewolf with a fever?
A: A hot dog!

Q: What do ghosts eat for lunch?
A: Boo-logna sandwiches!

Q: How do you fix a broken Jack-o-lantern?
A: With a pumpkin patch!

Q: What do you call a skeleton who stays out in the snow too long?
A: A numbskull!

Q: What do you call a skeleton who uses a door bell?
A: A dead ringer!

Q: What do mothers dress up as for Halloween?
A: Mummies!

Q: How do monsters search the internet?
A: The use Ghoulgle!! (Google is a search website)

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Find more funny Halloween Jokes here!

Scarecrow Jokes  |  Witch Jokes | Skeleton Jokes | Ghost Jokes

Zombie Jokes | Spider Jokes | Monster Jokes | Halloween Candy Jokes

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