Troll Jokes

Troll Jokes

Troll Jokes – Troll Puns

Troll jokes are just great for Halloween or to help you handle the next internet troll you meet!

Q: How do you stop an internet troll?
A: Seize their memes of production!

Q: What do you call a troll who can tell the future?
A: A 4chan teller!

Q: How do you kill a troll?
A: With a firewall spell!

Q: How do you kill a troll?
A: Take away its internet access!

Q: Why couldn’t the troll catch any fish?
A: Because other people took the bait!

Troll Jokes


Q: How many trolls does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: What is the difference between a Nerd and a Troll.
A: Trolls were once Nerds too before they went over to the Dork side!

Q: What’s the difference between an internet troll and a video game character?
A: Video game characters have lives!

Q: What do you call a troll that’s in charge?
A: In controll!

Q: What’s an Internet troll’s favourite snack?
A: 4chan cookies!

Q: How do you troll someone?
A: Still here?

Q: Why did facebook change to Meta?
A: Trolls!

Q: Have you seen a Troll at your own risk sign?
A: Yes but I trolled on anyway!

Q: Why do trolls live under bridges?
A: To troll goats!

Q: How do you pay for crossing a troll bridge in Middle Earth?
A: You use J.R.R. tokens!

Q: Why do trolls like Halloween Jokes?
A: To troll people with them!

Q: Why did the troll kiss the witch?
A: To keep her busy in love!

Q: What do you call a three headed troll?
A: A three headed troll!

Q: What do you call a 1000 headed troll?
A: The comment section!

Q: What keeps a troll up at night?
A: You!

Q: What feeds a troll?
A: Snowflakes!

Q: What makes people cry online?
A: Trolls!

Q: What’s worst than a troll online?
A: A real troll in your house!

Q: What do you call a female troll?
A: Karen!

Q: What did the goat say to the troll?
A: Not me! Find a bigger target!

Q: Where do kids troll online for Halloween humor?

Q: Why did the troll go running?
A: To keep up with you!

Q: Do you want to be a troll?
A: No, then share a Halloween joke!

Q: Why did the witch boil a troll?
A: Because the troll left a bad comment!

Q: What do you call a dead troll?
A: A skeleton!

Q: Where do trolls love to hang out?
A: Grave yards!

Q: Why do trolls love graveyards?
A: They get to troll tombstones forever!

Q: What is big and green?
A: A troll!

Q: What did the hobbit say to the troll about to eat him?
A: Start with the invisible leg its the most tasty one!

Q: What is one way you know you are being trolled?
A: I am being trolled right now!

Q: What trolls haunted houses?
A: Ghosts!

Q: Why do you have doors on your house?
A: To keep the trolls out!

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