Moon Jokes

Moon Jokes

Moon Jokes – Moon Puns

Moon jokes are some of the best jokes for Halloween. From Full moon to quarter moon humor you will be howling with laughter with these moon Jokes.

Q: Why does the Earth make fun of the moon?
A: Because it has no life!

Q: Why are zombies and the moon alike?
A: They are both living dead!

Q: What is Dracula’s favorite type of moon phase?
A: A Blood moon!

Moon Jokes Blog 2


Q: What do for call the moon after a bat flies in to it?
A: A blood moon!

Q: What do you call a person who turns into a house on a full moon night?
A: A Werehouse!

Q: Why does a werewolf always howl at the moon?
A: Because it just finishing waxing!

Q: Why did the moon burp?
A: Because it was full!

Q: Why haven’t they sent a woman to the moon?
A: Because it doesn’t need cleaning!

Q: Why did the nerd become an Astronaut?
A: It was the only way he will get to score a touchdown!

Q: What was the name of the first satellite to orbit the Earth?
A: The moon!

Q: What do witches of the circle clan cook when it’s a full moon?
A: Moon Pi!

Q: How do wolves know the time?
A: Because the lunar ticks!

Q: How do the moon monster invader Earth?
A: With their moon beams!

Moon Jokes - Zombie Hands


Q: Why do pirates hate full moon?
A: They always end up with a skeleton crews!

Q: What does the moon dress up in for Halloween?
A: Sun Light!

Q: What is on the other side of the moon?
A: Darkness!

Q: Why do black cats enjoy hunting on full moons?
A: Because it’s Lit!

Q: Why do vampires fly on full moons?
A: Because the can see!

Q: Why are the moon and a Jack-o-lantern similar?
A: They both get their light from another source!

Q: Did you hear about the moon landing?
A: Where?

Q: Where does the moon get it’s jokes from?

Q: What did the cheeky kid do when chased by a horde of zombies?
A: He moon them!

Q: When was the first Halloween?
A: It was the first full moon long long ago!

Q: Why does the moon like Halloween?
A: It gets to shine on people!

Moon Jokes Bats Flying


Q: Why does the boogeyman hide under beds at night?
A: It hates moon light!

Q: Why do female zombies like full moons?
A: Its light on their skin!

Q: How do spiders catch the moon light?
A: With their webs!

Q: Why do wizards only have quarter moon shapes on their hats?
A: They can’t afford full moons!

Q: Where does the moon attend school?
A: In the universe!

Q: Why are pirates scared of the moon?
A: It controls all the seas!

Q: Why couldn’t just anyone turn up to the moons Halloween Party?
A: It was full!

Q: Why did the full moon cross the road?
A: To lighten up!

Q: How much would the moon cost if it would be sold in the market?
A: Only a dollar, because it has four quarters!

Q: How do we know the moon is hairless?
A: The moon spends half the month waxing!

Q: Have you guys heard about the new restaurant on the moon?
A: Early critics say the food is good, but there’s no atmosphere!

Q: How does the long hair monster on the moon cut his hair?
A: Eclipse it!

Moon Jokes Witch Flying On Broomstick


Q: Do you ever put an candle in your jack-o-lantern?
A: Once in a Blue Moon!

Q: What’s the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson?
A: Neil Armstrong *walked on the moon* but Michael Jackson did the moon walk!

Q: Why is the moon so grumpy?
A: It’s just going through one of its phases.

Q: How can you tell what kind of monster you’re looking at?
A: Well, if the moon light hits it’s eye. It’s a moonster!

Q: How do know there’s no hair on the moon?
A: The moon waxes 14 times a month!

Q: What did the astronauts conclude after they found bones on the moon?
A: The cow didn’t make it!

Q: What kind of eclipse is it when the sun moves in front of the moon?
A: An Apocaclipse!

Q: Why do wolves howl at the moon?
A: Cause they don’t know how to use cellphones!

Q: Why did the moon skip dinner?
A: It was full!

Q: Why did the monster skip dinner tonight?
A: It was a full moon last night!

Q: Why did the witch fly to the moon?
A: She was a moon witch!

Q: Why don’t vampires fly in full moon light?
A: They don’t like getting moon burnt!

Q: Why are moon rocks tastier than earth rocks?
A: Because they’re meteor!

Moon Jokes full moon landscale Forest


Q: Why is the moon so sad?
A: Galaxy kept throwing meteors at it!

Q: What do you call a crazy witch that lives on the moon?
A: A Lunatic!

Q: What’s the moon’s favorite gum?
A: Orbit!

Q: Why could the cow landed on the moon?
A: It was full!

Q: How do you know when the moon is going broke?
A: When it’s down to its last quarter.

Q: What do you call a group of witches moon worshiping?
A: Lunatics!

Q: What did the moon say to the wolf?
A: Nothing the moon doesn’t speak!

Q: What was the first animal in space?
A: The cow that jumped over the moon!

Q: Why do wolves howl at the full moon?
A: Because moon light their eyes hurts!

Q: What did scientists say when they discovered a four legged skeleton on the surface of the moon?
A: The cow didn’t make it!

Q: What do moon monsters say when the accidentally bump into each other?
A: They Apollo gise!

Q: Why did the monster throw Dwayne Johnson at the moon?
A: It like to throw a rock!

Q: What do wizards eat while worshiping under a fuul Moon?
A: Astro nuts!

Q: What social media platform do aliens on the moon?
A: Spacebook!

Q: What is the first day of the week in outer space called?
A: Moonday!


Moon Jokes Full moon Over Water

Q: Why did the mad scientist feel when is staff got him a rocket?
A: Over the moon!

Q: Where do bees go after they get married?
A: The honeymoon!

Q: What do moon monsters eat?
A: Lunar-ticks!

Q: Why do space monsters prefer moon rock over earth rock?
A: Because they are a little meteor!

Q: Why can’t the moon walk?
A: Because it doesn’t have legs!

Q: How is the moon held up in space?
A: With the help of Moonbeams!

Q: How does a moon monster see in the dark?
A: It’s uses moon light beams!

Q: What do you call little fury monsters on a moon?
A: Ewokes!

Q: How does the sun greet the moon?
A: It Heat waves!

Q: Why don’t people live on the moon?
A: It cost out of this world!

Q: What do space monsters dip astronauts in when eating them?
A: A coco-naut sauce!

Q: When does a moon stop eating?
A: When it is full!



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Happy Halloween Orange Light