Owl Jokes

Owl Jokes

Owl Jokes – Owl Puns

Owl Jokes For Halloween

Have a night full of reading these funny owl Jokes

Q: Why do owls like Halloween?
A: Because it’s a hoot!

Q: Why did the witch mix a owl and oyster together?
A: She wanted some pearls of wisdom!

Q: Did you hear the Halloween joke about the owl?
A: It was a spooky hoot!

Q: Why did the owl dress up in armor for Halloween?
A: He want to been seen as a good knight owl!

Q: What the best treat to give a owl on Halloween?
A: Mice cream!

Q: Why couldn’t the owl pick up the large mouse of the ground?
A: Because it was Halloween and some kid was in it!

Q: What did one owl say to the other owl?
A: Happy Owl-ween!

Owl Jokes 1

Q: Why do owls hate Halloween?
A: Because it’s so noisy with trick or treaters!

Q: What do you get if you cross an owl with a witch?
A: A bird that doesn’t give a hoot!

Q: Why was the owl smiling at Halloween party?
A: It’s was having an OWL-bsolute hoot!

Q: What do witches and owls have in common?
A: They both sit on branches!

Q: Why are owls jealous of witches?
A: Witches can fly on their branch!

Q: Why are owls good at playing Call of Duty?
A: They are always sHOOOooting!

Q: What do you call an owl magician?
A: Hooooo-dini!

Q: What do you call a Owl with a bowl over it’s head?
A: Anything you want as he can’t hear you!

Q: What type of books do owls like to read?
A: Hooo-dunnits!

Q: Did your hear about the bird that’s the new police interrogator?
A: She just never gives up asking who, who, who!

Q: Why are owls wise?
A: They sleep in!

Owl Jokes 2

Q: Why do tigers eat owls?
A: To keep their growl!

Q: What do you call an Owl that serves hot wings?
A: Hooters!

Q: What did the grape say when the Owl stood on it?
A: Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

Q: What do you call an owl with a sore throat?
A: A bird that doesn’t give a hoot!

Q: What did the owl say say to the zombie about to attack it?
A: Owl kill you!

Q: How long does an owl go trick or treating on Halloween?
A: Owl night long!

Q: Why did the Owl invite his friends over for Halloween?
A: He didn’t want to be Owl by himself!

Q: What does a owl like to make a mouse do?
A: They make that mice scream!

Q: Did you hear about the owl that ate the witch’s cat?
A: He always meowls nows!

Q: Why did the witch mix a owl and oyster together?
A: She wanted some pearls of wisdom!

Q: What’s more amazing than a talking Owl?
A: Two talking owls!

Q: Why was the witch’s pet owl upset?
A: She loved her pet spelling bee more!

Q: Where did the owl hide?
A: In the in bath towl on the line?

Q: Why didn’t the dead owl stay in hell for a life of killing?
A: It was to HOOT down there!

Q: What did the owl says after seeing his favourite tree cut down?
A: Hoo do such a thing!

Q: How did the owl feel when it flew into a haunted house?
A: Owlkward!

Q: What hoots and drips blood?
A: An owl that just crashed into a tree!

Q: How did the owl kill the chicken?
A: With a bit of F..owl play!

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Happy Halloween