Cannibal Jokes

Cannibal Jokes For Halloween

Q: How can you help a starving cannibal?
A: Give him a helping hand!

Q: Why was the cannibal fined by the judge?
A: He was caught poaching!

Q: Why did the cannibal live on his own?
A: He was fed up with other people!

Cannibal Jokes


Q: Did you hear about the cannibal who joined the police force?
A: He said he wanted to grill his suspects!

Q: What is the cannibals favorite game?
A: Swallow my leader!

Q: What do cannibal say when they say grace?
A: We thank you,Lord, for our daily dead!

Q: Why would the cannibal only eat babies?
A: He was on a diet!

Q: What happened when the cannibal got a religion?
A: He only ate Catholics on Fridays!

Q: What happened to the cannibal lion?
A: He had to swallow his pride!

Q: What happens if you upset a cannibal?
A: You get into hot water!

Q: What happened when the cannibals ate a comedian?
A: They had a feast of fun!

Q: Why don’t cannibals eat comedians?
A: They taste funny!

Cannibal Jokes CT

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Happy Halloween