Cyclops Jokes

Cyclops Jokes

Cyclops Jokes for Halloween, One Eyed Monster Jokes

Cyclops jokes for Halloween. Cyclops monster jokes are some of he most funny jokes about one eye monsters.

Q: Why were the two cyclops always fighting?
A: They could never see eye to eye over anything!

Q: Why did the cyclops buy a very small TV?
A: Because he only had one eye!

Q: Why did the Cyclops give up teaching?
A: Because he only had one pupil!

Q: What do you call a one eyed monster who rides a motorbike?
A: Cycle-ops!

Q: Why did the cyclops pick a fight with a sewing needle?
A: It’s one thing that has one eye too.

Q: Why do all cyclopes get along so well?
A: They always see eye to eye!

Q: Why are cyclops great hunters?
A: They always have an eye on the prey!

Cyclops Jokes - monster Jokes

Q: What do you call a one eye monster?
A: A cyclops!

Q: What do you call a one eye monster that can’t see?
A: A sewing needle!

Q: What did the fortune teller call her crystal ball?
A: Cyclops the all seeing!

Q: What monster created the peek hole?
A: A cyclops!

Q: What kind of monster did the clown ride in the cicrus?
A: A cycleops!

Q: Do you know where all the eye candy for Halloween come from?
A: Dead Cyclopses

Q: What pirate doesn’t have a eye patch?
A: Captain cyclops!

Q: How many eyes does a cyclops have?
A: One!

Q: How many eyes does a cyclops siamese baby have?
A: Two.

Q: What kind of game do cyclops play on Halloween?
A: Eye spy with my only eye!

Q: Why was the Jack o Lantern called cyclops?
A: The kid only cut out one eye!

Q: Why is a cyclops so smart?
A: It reads an en-cyclop-edia!

Q: Who first said ” An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”)
A: A cyclops!

Q: Where does a cyclops get it’s Halloween jokes from?

Q: Why was the cyclops the best pupil in the class?
A: He was the only one!

Q: Was is there no letter I in the word Halloween?
A: A cyclops stole it!

Q: Who is the first to invent the iphone?
A: Cyclops!

Q: Who was the first to invent the ipod?
A: A cyclops!

Q: Who was the first to invent telescope?
A: A Cyclops!

Q: What monster runs all the CCTV in the world?
A: A Cyclops!

Cyclops Jokes - Halloween Monster

Cyclops Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Cy who?



Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


One who?

One Eye Monster


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


My who?

My EYE is on you!


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Cyclops who?

Cyclops trick or treat!


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Cyclops who?

Cyclops has a Halloween joke for you!


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Single who?

Single eye monster looking for love!


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Legend who?

Legend of Cyclops!


Knock, Knock

Who’s there?


Happy who?

Happy Halloween from Cyclops!

Cyclops Jokes

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Happy Halloween